The current health crisis that has affected the entire world has put so many things in a new perspective. We’ve all discovered a new respect for our own wellbeing, our immune systems suddenly seem more vital than ever, and banishing stress every day more challenging than ever before. Pile on other ongoing issues and conflicts, and you have a bucketload of health-damaging factors to consider. Being a queer woman in the midst of it all? Far from easy and smooth.
To face these circumstances and stay healthy means to devote more time to self-care than ever before. Taking better care of yourself means giving yourself the tools for staying vibrant, energetic, and it gives you methods to defeat anxiety and reduce the risk of all kinds of diseases, not just the coronavirus. In an effort to bring queer health into the spotlight, we’ve assembled the following tips to guide queer women everywhere on taking better care of themselves.
Turn to your community for advice
One major perk of our community is that we stick together and help each other during tough times. So, instead of ending up with a physician, psychologist, or OBGYN who is prejudiced or who will make you feel uncomfortable in any way, you can ask around and get the contact details of a person already trusted in your community.
Be mindful of different stages in your life
If only being queer came with certain perks such as avoiding menopause, life would be so much easier. Whether we like it or not, our bodies change and we need to respond to those changes by adapting our queer lifestyle to make sure we can stay healthy and strong. For example, menopause comes with a slew of side-effects such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.
In response, you should look into the best menopause supplements available to find a healthy option based on probiotics to enhance your gut health. Such a blend will also let you regulate your metabolism, help balance your changing hormones, and reduce those unwanted side-effects.
Revise your overall nutrition
We’ve all been there: resorting to a smoke or a glass of wine when we’re feeling down. Alas, such self-destructive actions can only make you feel more miserable in the long run. Instead, look for healthy ways to reframe your diet to include nutrient-dense ingredients and foods that will nourish your body and your mind alike.
In case you’re suffering from a deficiency, you can consider introducing a multivitamin supplement to your diet or consult your physician to see what you can do to regulate your nutrition in general.
Give your mind a break
For your body to truly be healthy, your mind needs to be at peace. Considering these stressful circumstances and the many struggles the queer community is constantly facing, one might say it’s far from a smooth ride. What you can do is start a meditation practice every day to soothe your mind and to calm your breath. Meditation has proven health benefits for your heart, lungs, and it can help with anxiety and depression.
Move your body
Let’s face it, not everyone is a fitness freak eager to hit the gym. Luckily, there are equally healthy and restorative alternatives that can elevate your queer lifestyle to a whole new level of wellbeing and resilience. You can start hiking to combine the beauty of spending time in nature with more exercise. You can also start dancing in the comfort of your own home, which will keep your cardiovascular health stellar, without forcing you out of your comfort zone.
Be mindful of your preferences, but don’t dismiss the idea of physical activity just because you’re not a fan right away. Give yourself a chance to discover something that’s empowering and healthful, and you’ll be able to establish a strong routine from it.
There’s no singular way to stay healthy, but there’s also no excuse not to devote more time and effort to devising your own self-care strategy. Show your body and your mind the respect they deserve, and these simple, but powerful actions can make all the difference for your long-term health.